"See ya later, guys, I'm off to do big things," was Callie Wright's signature farewell whenever she left her parents' home. While her life was tragically cut short, her legacy of big things for the lives of young people lives on in Callie's Kids. Now you have a chance to do big things in children's lives as Callie's own legacy of giving lives on through the foundation created in her memory.
"See ya later, guys, I'm off to do big things," was Callie Wright's signature farewell whenever she left her parents' home. While her life was tragically cut short, her legacy of big things for the lives of young people lives on in Callie's Kids. Now you have a chance to do big things in children's lives as Callie's own legacy of giving lives on through the foundation created in her memory.
"See ya later, guys, I'm off to do BIG things!"
-Callie Wright
Callie's Kids
Callie's Kids is a program aimed at providing all children the opportunities to discover their artistic talents. From it's launch in 2010, Callie's Kids has been an avenue for youths to become involved in the arts. Whether it's one of the week-long art camps, attending ballet classes, going on a trip to the Smithsonian Institution, taking quarterly art classes or going to the Historic Ritz Theatre in Talladega to see special performances, Callie's Kids will get to experience it all. These sessions are designed to help children increase their confidence and self-esteem while developing creative thinking skills and their artistic abilities.
No matter the child's background or ability to pay, Callie's Kids are able to be immersed in the arts, giving them an education in and an appreciation of the arts they may not have had otherwise.
An artist herself, Callie recognized the important role the arts can play in a young life. And Callie's Kids Foundation builds upon that concept to expose young people to visual and performing arts.
"Love to Read" Campaign
We are proud to announce our first “Love to Read” campaign in partnership with our friend and local author, Stephanie Stephens. It’s a great way to honor someone special in your life for Valentine’s Day. Throughout the month of February, Stephanie is donating all of her profits from the sales of her new book, “A Dog Named Butterfinger” to Callie’s Kids! In turn, we will purchase books for needy children in our area. What a GREAT way to honor someone you love for Valentine’s Day! Click on the "Programs" Tab and select "Love to Read" Campaign for more information.